Our research interests are in methods for the design of complex software and systems, with special emphasis on formal techniques for the design of concurrent, embedded systems, functional safety, and in the use of computational methods in systems biology and clinical psychology.

Our current research projects

  •  SCADNet
    Structural Causal Analysis of Deep Neural Networks
  • TarTar
    Repair Analysis for Timed Models
  • QuantUM-Tool
    Safety Analysis of Complex Sytem and Software Architectures 
  • CausCheck 
    Causality Checking for Complex System Models

Our past research projects

  • DiRePro
    Directed Model Checking in the Analysis of Reactive and Probabilistic Systems.
    Incomplete Model Checking for Concurrent Object-oriented Systems.
  • Directed Model Checking
    We investigate the use of directed search algorithms in explicit state model checking.
  • VIP - A Visual Interface for Promela
    The objective of this research was to reconcile Promela with state-of-the-art visual modeling techniques for real-time systems, in particular UML-RT, and to provide suitable tool support.

Links to research programs that we are involved in